Vasectomy: Procedure & Expectations

Vasectomy: Procedure and what to expect

When you get a vasectomy with Australia’s most experienced vasectomy team, you’ll be joining over 40,000 Australian men who have already had the snip at Dr Snip. So, what does a vasectomy procedure involve? What can you expect?

What is a vasectomy?

A form of male birth control, vasectomy involves cutting the supply of sperm to your semen by cutting and sealing the tubes that carry the supply. Although vasectomy reversal is possible, it should be considered a permanent form of birth control.

There are two types of vasectomies – either scalpel (which requires an incision) or no scalpel (incision-free vasectomy).

The team at Dr Snip have a combined 50 years of vasectomy experience and use an innovative single microKeyhole™ technique which is pain-free and non-invasive.

Why do men get vasectomies?

For those who are sure they don’t want children in the future, vasectomy is practically 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. It’s low cost, low risk and means you don’t have to take birth control steps before having sex.

What to expect from a vasectomy procedure:

How to prepare

In preparing for a vasectomy, it’s best to stop taking aspirin, blood-thinning drugs and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for several days before surgery.

Does getting a vasectomy hurt?

Typically, a vasectomy doesn’t hurt, and at Dr Snip, we make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. You’ll get local anaesthesia which will numb the area. Just like getting a filling at the dentists – you may feel a little discomfort when you get the numbing shot and sometimes when the vas deferens tubes are handled, during the procedure. Overall, you shouldn’t feel pain during the procedure.

What kind of procedure is used at Dr Snip?

At Dr Snip, the procedure we use is simple, seamless, and virtually pain free and takes between 5 and 15 minutes. The anaesthetic is applied to the vasa using a fine needle and there are no injections into the testes or penis.

A small opening is made in the centre of the scrotum below the penis using the unique Dr Snip ‘no scalpel’ microKeyhole™ surgical technique. It closes quickly and heals without needing stitches.

The vasa are located and are gently drawn through the same opening one at a time. Each vas is divided. The inside of the top end of each vas is sealed (mucosal cautery) and then covered with tissue (fascial interposition) using either a tiny clip or a dissolving thread to further prevent them from re-joining. The bottom end of each vas is left open (the open-ended technique) to minimise post-operative pain.

What happens after a vasectomy?

After your vasectomy, you can go home and rest. Although you might feel some discomfort, you shouldn’t be in too much pain. For a few days, you might experience some swelling and bruising, so avoiding physical work and exercise for a week if possible is recommended. We recommend wearing tighter fitting underwear to support your scrotum and unnecessary movement of the area.

If you experience pain not responding to ibuprofen and paracetamol, call us or your doctor.

So, when can I have sex after a vasectomy?

You can go back to having sex after a few days and when your genitals are completely comfortable and painless. The production of the male hormone testosterone by the testes is unaffected by a vasectomy as it all continues to go directly into the blood stream, so sex drive and libido are not affected.

Does a vasectomy make you infertile immediately?

A vasectomy won’t prevent pregnancy straight away – it takes about three months until your semen is sperm-free. Contact your doctor for a test to find out when all the sperm are depleted.

We’re here for you

At Dr Snip, we’re proud of using an innovative no-scalpel, virtually pain free method that only takes 10 minutes. If you have any questions, we’re happy to help. Please call 1300 377 647 or send us an online enquiry.

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